权利的英文单词怎么写 权利 right [英][raɪt] [美][raɪt] 中英文小故事:咨询费:100美元 律师有一条调皮的狗,无拘束地在镇子里东奔西跑,跑到一个屠夫的肉铺里偷了一块烤肉。屠夫去律师的办公室问,“如果一条狗肆无忌惮地从我店里偷了一块肉,我是否有权利要求狗的主人给我赔偿呢?”律师回答,“当然。” “那你欠我8.50美元。你的狗今天偷了我的一块烤肉。”屠夫说。 律师没有说一句话,给屠夫写了一张8.50美元的支票。这让屠夫很有些满足感。 三天后,屠夫收到了来自律师的账单:咨询费:100美元。 A lawyer's dog, running around town unleashed, heads for a butcher shop and steals a roast. The butcher goes to the lawyer's office and asks, "if a dog running unleashed steals a piece of meat from my store, do I have a right to demand payment for the meat from the dog's owner?" The lawyer answers, "Absolutely." "Then you owe me $8.50. Your dog was loose and stole a roast from me today." The lawyer, without a word, writes the butcher a check for $8.50. The butcher, having a feeling of satisfaction, leaves. Three days later, the butcher finds a bill from the lawyer: $100 due for a consultation. 中英文例句 You had no right! 你没权利这么做! Mom on the left, daughter on the right. 左边的是妈妈,右边的是女儿 Johnson is the best right back. 约翰逊是最好的右后卫。 You're absolutely right. 你说的完全正确. Install right fuel collection pipe. 安装右侧燃油收集管。 |