孔雀 peacock 英音:[ˈpi:ˌkɔk] 美音:[ˈpiˌkɑk]
孔雀的英文小故事 There was a male peacock's long tail is really beautiful, golden and green colors interleaved with each other under the sun shone bright in the sunlight, stunning natural beauty of this miraculous good fortune as much a masterpiece, this is not an ordinary artist with colorful pen can describe arrived at. It is not only a beautiful human envy male peacock tail feathers, and even the male peacock itself because of this beautiful and intoxicating, as well as to further develop the bad habits of jealousy. Although it has been domesticated by humans for a long time, but as long as there are boys and girls who saw the wearing brightly colored clothing walking in the streets, still can not help but jealous, and always want to bite a few mouthfuls of peck expel up, willing to stop. Previously, only the male peacock's habitat in the mountains every time, always a good one can first choose a place to hide the tail, and then again placed in other parts of the body. But then one day, the sky suddenly began to rain heavily, the male peacock is less than a result of escape, but wet a beautiful tail feathers, which makes it a good sad. Precisely at this time, holding a net bird catchers, those who came before, but only still cherish the pride and his beautiful peacock tail feathers, refused to fly to flee the scene, then had to fall into the trap planted bird catchers.
Male peacock has a beautiful long tail feathers, this is a pride thing. But it has its own Office of the superior long-cherished too excessive, the result is actually incurred the scourge 有一只雄孔雀的长尾巴真是漂亮极了,金黄和翠绿的颜色互相交错,在阳光下闪烁着艳丽的光泽,令人惊叹大自然的造化竟有如此神奇美妙的杰作,这绝不是一般的画家用七彩笔所能描绘得出来的。 岂止是人类羡慕雄孔雀美丽的尾羽,就连这雄孔雀自身也因这美丽而陶醉,以至进一步养成了嫉妒的恶习。它虽然已经被人类驯养很久了,但只要是见到了有少男少女们穿着颜色鲜艳的服装在大街上行走,仍然禁不住妒火中烧,总要撵上去啄咬几口,才肯罢休。 早先,这只雄孔雀每逢在山里栖息的时候,总是要首先选择好一个能掩藏尾羽的地方,然后再来安置身体的其他部位。可是有一天,天上突然下起了大雨,雄孔雀因躲避不及,而淋湿了漂亮的尾羽,这使它好痛心呀。恰在此时,手持罗网捕鸟的人又来到了面前,而这只孔雀还在珍惜顾盼自己漂亮的尾羽,不肯展翅高飞逃离现场,于是只好落入了捕鸟人撒下的罗网。 雄孔雀有着美丽的长尾羽,这本来是一件值得骄傲的事。但它却对自己的这一优长之处珍爱得太过分了,其结果是反而招致了祸患。 这篇关于孔雀的英语小故事警示人们:如果有谁对自己缺乏自知之明,将某个长处当包袱背起来,为其所累,这时好事就有可能变成坏事,引出本来不该发生的后果。 例句: 1、孔雀的尾巴真漂亮。 The peacock's tail is really beautiful 2、云南是大象和孔雀的生息地. Yunnan province is the home of elephants and peacocks. 3、孔雀展开了它那灿烂夺目的尾巴. The peacock spreads his splendid tail 4、孔雀不管大小, 都善于飞行,晚上在树上栖息. Peafowl fly well despite their size, and roost in trees at night. |