听说过三个金发女郎去冰上钓鱼,什么东西都没有捕获的故事吗? 一天,三个女士突发奇想,要到河道的冰面上去钓鱼。她们凿开冰面,放下钓鱼竿,半天过去后,没有一条鱼上钩。于是,她们想了一个办法,要把冰面凿开的更大的面积,放下一条船下去钓鱼。 当她们把一个足够让船放下去的孔凿开时,天色已晚,该是回家的时间了。 Heard the one about the three blondes that went ice fishing and didn't catch anything? One day, the three woman whim, want to go fishing on river ice. They broke the ice, put down the fishing rod, for a long time past, not a fish. So, they thought of a way to break the ice, larger area, put down a boat goes fishing. By the time they cut a hole big enough for the boat to fit in, it was time to go home. |