精神科医生建议一个惧内的丈夫去表达自己。“你不必让你老婆欺负你,”他说,“回家去,告诉她,你是老板。” 丈夫决定接受医生的建议。他回到家里,关上了门,握着拳头在他的妻子的脸前晃动,咆哮着,“从现在起,你要听从我的命令。我现在想要我的晚饭,当你把晚饭准备好放在桌子上,就上楼去,把我的衣服准备好。今晚我要和朋友们出去的。你要呆在家里属于你的地方。还有一件事,你知道谁会系上我的领结吗?” “当然罗,”他的妻子平静地说,“死人。” A henpecked husband was advised by a psychiatrist to assert himself. "You don't have to let your wife bully you," he said. "Go home and show her you're the boss." The husband decided to take the doctor's advice. He went home, slammed the door, shook his fist in his wife's face, and growled, "From now on you're taking orders from me. I want my supper right now, and when you get it on the table, go upstairs and lay out my clothes. Tonight I am going out with the boys. You are going to stay at home where you belong. Another thing, you know who is going to tie my bow tie?" "I certainly do," said his wife calmly, "the Dead men |