The "U Up?" No 对不良约会说不 The Guy You Want to Date says, "Let's hang Saturday." At 1 a.m., he finally texts, indicating his interest in, ahem, hanging. Nuh-uh. 你心仪的男神说:“周六一起出去吧。”结果到半夜1点,他终于来短信,暗示他想的……咳咳……不止是出去而已。 Text, "No thanks." Wait a beat. Then, "But dinner Wednesday?" If you want more, don't take less for fear he'll disappear. Forget about jumping like it's the president calling! You'll save yourself months of pain by being clear with him and sticking to your decision. 短信回复:”还是不了,谢谢。“等一下,再接着回:”周三一起吃晚饭怎么样?“ 如果你想要他全心全意,就不能因为害怕失去他而委曲求全。千万不要高兴得跳起来,好像是总统给你打的电话。和他说清楚,并且坚持你的想法,这会使自己免受数月的煎熬。