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时间:2014-04-23 10:13来源:英蕊少儿英语网 作者:编辑组 点击:
[梗概] 哈里特M韦尔什是个间谍。她在日记里写下她所认识的所有人的所有事,同学、好朋友也不例外。有一天,哈里特把日记弄丢了,日记落在了最不该看到它的人手中。她还没来得及
Harriet M. Welsch is a spy. In her notebook, she writes down everything she knows about everyone, even her classmates and her best friends. Then Harriet loses track of her notebook, and it ends up in the wrong hands. Before she can stop them, her friends have read the always truthful, sometimes awful things she's written about each of them. Will Harriet find a way to put her life and her friendships back together?

When I read "Harriet the Spy" in 5th grade, I was taken by Harriet's habit of wandering, observing and writing. - Reader Jamie
She has to rank competitively with the greatest literary characters of all time - so spunky, so misunderstood, so maligned by her peers. - Reader Griffin

[Harriet] hated math. She hated math with every bone in her body. She spent so much time hating it that she never had time to do it.
Sometimes you have to lie. But to yourself you must always tell the truth.
