19世纪,在风景如画的美国新英格兰地区,父亲马奇去了战场,而家里的四个女儿——假小子乔、美丽的梅格、敏感的贝思以及浪漫主义的艾美——正当妙龄。 In picturesque 19th-century New England of the US, the 4 March sisters - tomboyish Jo, beautiful Meg, fragile Beth, and romantic Amy - come of age while their father is off to war. [简评] --我这本(《小妇人》)大概已有55年的历史了,我看过至少25遍。这本书讲述了一个家庭在特殊历史时期通过特殊方式生存下来的故事。——读者科里 My copy of this is probably 55 years old - I've probably read it at least 25 times. This is a story of a family that functioned in a particular way in a particular time. - Reader Corrie --这本书棒极了。每个女孩都能在其中找到自己的影子。——读者玛莎 This book is so great. It has characters every girl could ever relate to. - Reader Martha [精彩片段] --"没有礼物圣诞节怎么过?"乔躺在小地毯上咕哝。"贫穷真可怕!"梅格发出一声叹息,低头望着身上的旧衣服。"有些女孩拥有荣华富贵,有些却一无所有,我认为这不公平。"艾美鼻子轻轻一哼,难掩嫉妒之情。"但我们有父母姐妹,"坐在一角的贝思提出抗议。 "Christmas won't be Christmas without any presents," grumbled Jo, lying on the rug. "It's so dreadful to be poor!" sighed Meg, looking down at her old dress. "I don't think it's fair for some girls to have plenty of pretty things, and other girls nothing at all," added little Amy, with an injured sniff. "We've got Father and Mother, and each other," said Beth contentedly from her corner. --"是的,乔。快乐的老处女胜过家庭怨妇,也胜过到处搜罗丈夫的不正经女人,"马奇夫人用坚定的口吻说道。 "Right, Jo; better be happy old maids than unhappy wives, or unmaidenly girls, running about to find husbands," said Mrs March decidedly. |