汤姆克劳斯(生于1934年7月5日)是一家芬兰歌剧男中音。出生在芬兰首都赫尔辛基,他开始是学医,组建唱歌和弹吉他的爵士乐队。对音乐的热爱是他在维也纳音乐学院进修。他在歌剧首次表演是在柏林,于1959年,并迅速赢得了声誉。 他加入了汉堡国家歌剧院,在那里出过莫扎特,威尔第和瓦格纳。
What kind of world is it my friend that little children see? 小孩子眼里的世界会是什么样子的呢,我的朋友们? I wonder if they see God first because they just believe? 我想知道他们是否可以见到他们所相信的上帝? Do they see strength in caring eyes who watch them as they play - or maybe love through gentle hands that guide them on their way? 他们是否看到旁人在他们玩耍时关切的眼神所传达的力量 或者是引领他们走路时温暖的充满爱意的手 Do you think they dream of future times when they would be a king - or just enjoy their present life while with their friends they sing? 你认为他们是否能够梦到未来世界 那时他们变成了国王 或者只是静静地享受现在的时光 和他们的小伙伴们一起唱歌 Do they see the acts of kindness done for people who are poor? Is the very best in everyone what they are looking for? And when the day is over, as they close their eyes to sleep, 他们是否能够看到那些为逆境中的人们做出的善良之举? 当一天结束 他们闭上眼睛进入梦乡的时候 他们会想 这些会是他们一直寻觅的吗? Do they look forward to tomorrow with its promises to keep? If this is what the children see, then it should be no surprise, the world would be a better place if we all had children's eyes。 他们会在遵守诺言的同时期待明天吗? 如果这些是孩子们所能看到的 那么这并不为奇 如果我们都有双孩子的眼睛 那么这个世界将更加美好。 |