You're probably aware of all the foods that are good for you, like fresh fruits and vegetables, but do you know about the foods that can kill you? These unhealthy foods can lead to some serious health problems, especially if you eat them regularly. Want to know what they are? Well, keep reading! 你也许很清楚哪些食品对自己有益,比如各种水果和蔬菜,但你知道哪些食物又是危害身体健康的吗?吃不健康食物能引发严重的健康问题,经常吃的话后果尤甚。想知道哪些是高危食物吗?好吧,继续往下看吧! A lot of people think that they are being healthy by purchasing foods that are labeled as “low fat”. Unfortunately this is not the case, as most of these foods are packed with unhealthy chemicals to make up for the lack of fat. These chemicals are extremely bad for your body and can even damage your health over time。 很多人认为购买标有“低脂”的食品能为身体获得健康。很抱歉事实并非如此,因为大多低脂食品都因缺少脂肪而被添加了化学剂。这些化学剂对身体极其不利,时间久了甚至还会破坏你的身体机能。 People choose margarine over butter because it doesn’t have cholesterol in it, but what you need to pay attention to is what IS in it! Margarine is extremely high in trans-fat, which can damage your blood vessels and even increase your cholesterol。 人们选择用人造奶油代替黄油是因为它没有胆固醇,但你要当心人造奶油所含成分!其高浓度的反式脂肪酸会损害血管,增加胆固醇的摄入。 The chemicals that are inside of processed meats have been linked to colon cancer and many other health problems. They are also packed full of sugar, salt and fat that can lead to obesity and diabetes. You’re always better off cooking your own meat from lean cuts and avoiding the processed meats all together。 加工肉类所含的化学成分会引发直肠癌和其他健康问题。其中同样含有大量导致肥胖症和糖尿病的糖分,盐类和脂肪。所以最好还是自己切点精肉来烹饪,切记不要和加过工的肉一起煮。 Energy bars are marketed as healthy snacks for people who want to lose weight and get fit. Unfortunately a lot of people don’t read the nutritional information on these bars in the first place. Many of them are made with a lot of sugar and fat, even though they are high in protein. You’re better off staying away from these and reaching for a natural snack, like almonds and cheese, instead。 对于想减肥和追求健康的人群来说,能量棒是贴了健康标签的小吃。很遗憾多数人在选择的时候都没有去注意能量棒的营养信息。多数能量棒都掺加了大量糖分和脂肪,就连高蛋白的也不例外。所以最好远离它,相反考虑考虑杏仁和奶酪之类的天然小吃。 Sure those frozen meals are convenient, but what price do you pay for that convenience? These frozen dinners, even those that are low in calories, are really high in sodium. They are also extremely processed, which means they really put your body through a lot of work in order to digest through your body。 冷冻餐点虽然方便,但为了这丝方便你付出了怎样的代价?冷冻餐点,即便卡路里含量低,但钠含量却相当高。它的工序繁多,这就意味着你的身体需要进行大量运作来消化它们。 There are really only a few breakfast cereals on store shelves today that are actually good for you. Even those that are labeled “healthy” generally turn out to be packed full of sugar and fat. You might be surprised to find that most of the cereals you love have more sugar than your dessert does! On top of all of that, cereals are normally processed quite a bit and made with chemicals to make them seem “healthier” to the consumer。 如今市面上真正有益身体的麦片已零星点点。而那些打着“健康”旗号的麦片其实也添加了大量糖分和脂肪。当知道一般你钟爱的麦片所含糖分比甜点还多时,你可能会大吃一惊!除此之外,麦片通常经过了一系列的化学加工,以便在消费者眼里显得“比较健康”。 Speaking of breakfast foods, who doesn’t love a sugary doughnut when they are running late to start the day? Although they may taste good, these are a huge source of sugar, fat, trans fat and carbohydrates. In fact, just one of these fried treats is generally well over 300 calories. Since most people tend to eat more than one, this can lead to quick weight gain without even realizing it。 说起早餐食物,美滋滋的甜甜圈怎会不受赶时间一族的青睐呢?可甜甜圈味虽美,却含有大量糖分,脂肪,反式脂肪酸以及碳水化合物。事实上,仅一块油炸甜甜圈大概就有300多卡路里。但很多人不仅仅只吃一块,他们的体重会在无形中飙升。 Regular soda is a huge source of sugar and a variety of other chemicals that have been linked to several different types of cancer. These provide absolutely no nutritional value to you and can lead to diabetes as well. Even diet soda carries risks, as it’s made with a lot of chemicals to make up for the lack of sugar, and these have been linked to diseases and cancers。 一般的苏打含有大量糖分和各种化学成分,这些化学成分会导致诱发各种癌症。显然,如此的苏打非但不会提供营养价值,还有引发糖尿病。就连饮食中的苏打也有危险,因为其中为弥补缺失的糖分而添加的化学剂就有致病致癌的危险。 Before you reach for that bag of potato chips; think again! These are filled with a lot of fat and calories, but did you know they are also loaded with dangerous chemicals? Most chips are made with acrylamide, which is created when foods are fried at extremely high temperatures. This chemical is linked to cancer, which can result in death。 当你准备向一包薯片下手之前,三思!这种零食所含的脂肪和卡路里相当高,并且你知道它们也暗藏了致命的化学制剂吗?大多薯片中含有丙烯酰胺,这种物质在极高温度炸薯片时产生。它会引发癌症,并且导致死亡。 |