![]() 沪江英语:The process of aging is natural and it isn’t something you can stop from happening. As you age, your skin starts to lose its moistness and become more prone to damage. However, there are many natural ways available to slow down the aging process and look young。 衰老是一种无法阻止的自然过程。随着年龄的增长,肌肤会渐渐失去光泽,且更易受到损伤。所幸,一些天然的方式可以延缓衰老,让你容光焕发。 Exercise Regularly 规律运动 Exercise is apparently an integral step in any skincare regimen. Physical exercise will help maintain muscle-tone and flexibility as you get older and also improve overall health and fitness, help protect against heart problems, and help you stay look and feel younger. Exercise will enhance the blood flow throughout the body which can even help keep your brain fit. A convenient way of getting the required workout is to take up walking. Going for walks is an excellent cardio-vascular activity and is proved to be life-extending。 运动锻炼是肌肤护理中不可或缺的一步。随着年龄的增长,体育运动有助于保持肌肉张力和灵活性,同时也能提升整个身体素质,保护心脏远离疾病,让你无论是从精神还是外貌上都处于年轻态。在全身血液流动得益于运动之时,甚至你的大脑也得到了保健。达到定额运动最简便的方式就是散步。这种极佳的心血管运动被证实了能够延年益寿。 Drink Plenty of Water 补足水分 Human body is made up of 60% water and day-to-day routines deplete this valuable resource which needs to be replenished. Drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water every day – more is obviously better. Having adequate water content in the body will keep your internal organs hydrated as well as in good working condition. Additionally, it can help your digestive system run smoothly and stop bowel irregularity. Last but not least, it’ll help your actual skin look flexible, vibrant and supple by keeping it hydrated and flushing out wastes from the body。 人体60%由水分构成,宝贵的水能量支撑着日常活动,当其耗尽时就需要进行补充。我们每天至少要保证8杯水量---当然多多益善。摄取充足的水分可以保证给体内器官提供良好运作的水化环境。此外,消化系统也会因此顺畅运作,并有效制止肠道的不规律反应。最后同样重要的是,保持充足的水分能让你的肌肤焕发活力光彩,并排出体内废物。 Reduce Stress 卸去压力 Every person has stress in their life, and if you learn to manage it, then you’ll find your life is a way better. Researches reveal that mental stress speeds up the aging process. When you’re stressed out, you lose the body’s natural balance which in turn causes damage to bodily hormone secretion, cell-repair, and collagen generation. There are many ways for you to reduce the mental stress. You can divert your attention to various things like doing exercises, in order to relieve stress. Yoga, deep breathing and meditation can cut down stress, boost oxygen and blood flow and improve energy level。 人人都有不得已的压力,如果你懂得怎样去管理压力,那你会发现生活更美好的一面。研究表明心理压力会加速衰老。因为压力超负时,你身体的自然平衡会受到影响,最终导致损害身体激素分泌,细胞修复和胶原蛋白生成过程。减压的方式有很多种。比如你可以将注意力转移到各种事物上,体育锻炼可以释放压力。瑜伽可以让身体在深呼吸与冥想中得到舒缓,增进氧气,促进血液流动,提高能量水平。 Follow Healthy Diet 健康饮食 You should stick to a well-balanced diet plan with the majority of your foods being vegetables and fruit. Stay away from red meat or beef and stick to seafood if possible. Say goodbye to the white bread and choose whole grain products. The fruits and vegetables provide your body with vital anti-oxidants that fight free-radicals which are a contributing factor to age-related illness and diseases. Eating healthily will help you look and feel better and provide you with tons of energy in order to do all those stuffs you loved to do。 将大量蔬菜水果纳入均衡饮食计划中,并持之以恒。条件允许的话尽量少吃红肉,常吃海鲜。 告别白面包,选择全麦食品。蔬果能够给身体提供主要抵抗自由基的抗氧化剂,自由基是引发老年性疾病和其他疾病的关键因素。饮食健康能让你活力焕发,帮你在养精蓄锐后去做任何想做的事情。 Get a Fruit Facial 水果面膜 Make your own facial mask with the fruit of your liking. You can smear some papaya mix on your face. The fruit enzyme, called papain, exfoliates dried-out skin and reduces melanin deposition. Or rub a sliced strawberry that’s infused with plenty of beta carotene and vitamin-A to aid in regeneration of collagen. Natural aloe-vera is yet another best homemade anti-aging skin care solution which you can use to get rid of facial lines, wrinkles and slow down aging naturally. This all-natural anti-aging skin care ingredient is of course soothing and healing, and is effective when combined with other remedies as well。 用你喜欢的水果来做一个面膜吧。可以涂点木瓜在脸上敷敷。水果面膜含有水果酶,也叫木瓜酶,它能够去掉角质,减少黑色素沉积。或涂切一片草莓,草莓中含有大量有助于胶原蛋白再生的β-胡萝卜素和维生素a。另外一种极佳的自制面膜,天然芦荟。这种抗衰老方式可以助你消除皱纹,自然而然地减缓衰老。这种纯天然抗老护肤产品同样具有舒缓和治疗的功效,如果结合其他有效疗法一起使用,效果显然。 |