原标题:国外夫妇办“哈利波特主题”婚礼(双语) Meredith Fahey and her husband Joshua Votaw always knew they wanted a book-themed wedding. So when their first-choice venue — a library — fell through, they opted to host their wedding day at their favorite restaurant in Los Angeles. 梅雷迪斯·费伊和她的丈夫约书亚·沃陶一直都知道,他们想要一场以图书为主题的婚礼。当他们在图书馆举行婚礼的首选未能实现时,他们选择了在自己最喜欢的一家洛杉矶餐厅里举行婚礼。 It happens to be reminiscent of Hogwarts, not to mention it’s within their budget。 碰巧这家餐厅是霍格沃茨怀旧风。另外,在这里举办的婚礼花销都在预算可控范围之内。 “We are both huge Harry Potter fans. We have enjoyed many midnight screenings of the movies together, as well as reading them out loud to each other, one of our favorite activities,” Meredith told BuzzFeed。 “我们都是《哈利波特》超级粉丝。我们经常晚上看《哈利波特》系列电影,还会为对方有声朗读英文原著小说,这是我们最喜欢的活动之一。”梅雷迪斯告诉BuzzFeed记者。 The couple met several years ago through a dating website, and one of their first conversations was about Lost。 这对夫妻是几年前在相亲网站上认识的,初期聊天的话题之一就是有关美剧《迷失》的。 “We have always enjoyed sharing our geeky loves together, whether it be television or movies,” Meredith said. “Our first date was at Griffith Observatory, which is where he ended up proposing to me。” “我们总是喜欢一起分享我们的荧屏爱好,从电视剧到电影。”梅雷迪斯说道,“我们初期约会有一次是在格瑞菲斯天文台,就是在那里他向我求婚的。” 小编注:格瑞菲斯天文台是洛杉矶著名地标之一,这座造型独特的建筑物,曾经出现在许多的电影与电视影集场景中。 Meredith and Joshua spent hours and hours discussing how they wanted every detail to be laid out and what parts of the Harry Potter series they wanted to incorporate。 此前,梅雷迪斯和约书亚花了大量时间讨论婚礼安排,事无巨细;他们还讨论了在婚礼中包含哪些哈利波特的元素。 “Our vision was that it would be a wedding that could take place within the Harry Potter universe, which we think added to the classic look, helping us stay clear of the cheesy factor,” Meredith said。 “我们的想法是这样的,婚礼的整个流程应该就像真的发生在哈利波特魔法世界中一样。我们觉得这样可以为餐厅的复古风增色,同时让我们不那么俗套。” 梅雷迪斯女士说道。 Family and friends also helped with the programs, banners, and other accessories。 亲朋好友也都来帮忙筹备婚礼,帮助统筹节目、制作条幅以及其他装饰。 The bride said she even did a great deal herself, including needle-felting characters like Dobby and Norbert。 新娘说她甚至自己动手做了一些超赞的手工,包括毛织玩偶多比和诺伯特等角色。 She also did the calligraphy on the place cards。 她还在坐席卡上模仿哈利波特字体写下宾客的名字。 All of the elaborate-looking details in this Harry Potter-themed wedding actually cost the bride and groom the least amount of money。 这场哈利波特主题婚礼上的所有精致细节,并没有很大开销,这对新人用最经济的方式筹备了所有环节。 One of Meredith’s favorite minor wedding details was the “Monster Book of Monsters Guestbook,” which her cousins surprised her with。 梅雷迪斯很喜欢的一个婚礼小细节就是“妖怪们的妖怪书”,这是表亲送给她的惊喜。 Having a Snape character officiate was Meredith’s favorite major detail。 “斯内普教授” 担任婚礼主持,这是梅雷迪斯最喜欢的重要细节。 “Our friend is a pyrotechnician and was able to coordinate the Goblet of Fire actually exploding when we put our names in it,” Meredith said. “The guests were quite surprised。” http://d1.sina.com.cn/pfpghc/d1cdee06ae9b474ba18191a264e6285e.jpg “我们有个朋友是一名火焰技师,他能在我们刚好把名字放进‘火焰杯’ 时让杯子燃烧起来,”梅雷迪斯说道,“客人们当时非常惊讶。” Aside from a couple of confused older relatives, all of the guests loved the Harry Potter theme。 除了一些年纪比较大的宾客面露困惑表情之外,其余所有客人都很喜欢这个哈利波特的主题。 The most important detail from their Harry Potter wedding was the series’ overarching emphasis on love。 哈利波特主题婚礼最重要的细节,就是对“爱”的反复强调。 “The [Wizarding] World is so encompassing, you can get lost in it, and each new reading brings more insight into the characters and world。” “魔法世界简直是包罗万象,置身其中你可能会迷惑;但是每次重新阅读都让我更加理解其中的人物角色和魔法世界。” |