"A Touch of Zen" by King Hu won the TechnicalGrand Prize in Cannes in 1975. [File photo] 电影《侠女》由胡金铨导演,获得1975年戛纳国际电影节最高综合技术奖。 About the film: The story is largely seen through the eyes of Ku, who is a well-meaning but unambitious scholarand painter, who tends to be clumsy. A stranger arrives in the town wanting Ku to paint hisportrait, but his real objective is to bring a female fugitive back to the city for execution on behalfof the East Chamber guards. 影片简介: 故事主要通过是善意而谦虚、假装笨拙的学者画家顾省斋的角度展开的。一位陌生人来到村庄,要求顾省斋为他画像,但其真正目的是将逃亡的女主角带回京城交由东厂处置。 |