原标题:自高自大不能忍?用英文说说那些“自大狂” 自尊心大到极致,感觉自己不可一世!狂妄无边的自大狂,你的身边有没有?英文里如何形容那些自命不凡的人呢?
高人一等 例:She thinks she's a cut above her neighbours. 她自认为和邻居们绝不是一个档次的人。
盛气凌人 例:I'm not going to get up on a high horse and tell you that you're wrong for doing this. 我不会盛气凌人地告诉你这样做不对。
专横跋扈 例:His advice may be good, but he's much too bossy. 他的意见还不错,但就是态度太专横了。
装腔作势 例:He was always putting on airs and graces. 他以前经常装腔作势。
聪明过头 "Too clever by half" was how one former teacher described him. 从前的老师对他的评价就是“聪明过头”了。
我觉得老板他越来越自命不凡了。 |