Cities, like people, have their own smell, their own body odors and perfumes that take on personalities. Dallas is one of the strangest scents I have ever encountered. Highways of strip malls and gas stations and exit signs. Insanely wide streets. It's very New World-smelling. It almost has a non-scent scent. Like many cities, you get concrete, car exhaust, and dust. If you really focus, you can pick up on the nearly undetectable Texas live oak. It's best during thunderstorms, though. The crisp smell of lightning and rain and vast flat space pervades and takes on a three-dimensional quality. 城市和人一样,有着它们自己独特的气味和特点。达拉斯的气味是我遇到的最奇特气味之一。大商场和加油站和高速公路的出口标志,异常宽阔的街道,都带着新世界的气息。它几乎有一种没有气味的气味。和很多城市一样,你闻得到混凝土、汽车尾气和粉尘。如果认真感受,你能嗅到微不可闻的德克萨斯橡树,但在雷雨天气时效果最佳。闪电、雨和巨大的空间互相交织,呈现出一种十分清晰的清脆气味。 |