据外国媒体报道,美国罗得岛州一名男子拿土豆当枪,抢劫两次未遂。该男子先是手持热土豆进了当地一家便利店,对着收银员大喊“给我钱”,结果被店员拿着棒球棒追打出来。后来该嫌犯又拿着土豆进了一家干洗店并对女店员说:“我需要钱。”女店员从收银机里取了一张20美元的假钞给他,尽管他对钱数表示不满,但还是拿着假钞和土豆落荒而逃。 Rhode Island police are on the lookout for a suspect who was passing a potato off as a gun during two unsuccessful robbery attempts on Monday. The man first went to a Providence convenience store with the hot potato but was chased off with a baseball bat after he shouted “give me the money” to the cashier. The suspect, potato still in hand, then went to a nearby dry cleaner and told a female clerk, “I need the money.” Anna Jung gave the man the only thing that was in the register, a counterfeit $20 bill. "He said, 'Don't call 911.' I said, 'OK. Take it easy,'" Jung told WJAR. Although he wasn’t pleased with the amount, the man fled with cash and the potato. "I heard it on the news and I say, it was ridiculous, man," said local resident Linda Hopkins. "That's it." |