"We have too many difficulties and problems to take into consideration given the fact that China is still at the primary stage of socialism, despite people's wish to increase the number of national holidays." --SHAO QIWEI, director of the National Tourism Administration and a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference “群众增加假期的愿望可以理解,但我们处于社会主义发展的初级阶段,面临很多矛盾和问题,要考虑综合平衡。” ——邵琪伟(全国政协常委、国家旅游局局长、全国假日办主任) "Life is like a long-distance race, instead of a short-distance one-what matters in a 10,000-meter race is not your starting line, but your persistence and endurance." --GONG KE, president of Nankai University and a deputy to the National People's Congress “人生不是短跑,是长跑。就像万米长跑,不要太看重起跑线,重要的是坚持和耐力!” ——龚克(全国人大代表、南开大学校长),他认为中国父母给小孩施加了太多压力。 "If the government encourages you to raise pigs, then the right thing to do is to raise chickens." --YUE FUHONG, a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference “政府如果让你养猪,你养鸡就对了。” ——岳福洪(全国政协委员、政协经济委员会副主任),他痛批当前一些地方政府违背市场规律过度干预经济,造成一些行业产能过剩的现象。 "It's not definite how I'm going to maintain close contact with people or through what channels I should contact them." --CHEN DEMING, a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and former commerce minister “今后我怎么联系群众,怎么个渠道,好像不太明确?” ——陈德铭(商务部前任部长、全国政协委员),东莞“扫黄”后,广东省领导想请他去东莞调研, 陈德铭没去,认为名不正言不顺。 |