中国人民政治协商会议第十二届全国委员会第二次会议在人民大会堂开幕,俞正声作政协常委会工作报告。 他在报告中指出,“平台很必要,宽松和谐的环境更重要,在政协的各种会议和活动中,要始终坚持‘不打棍子、不扣帽子、不抓辫子’的‘三不’方针,提倡热烈而不对立的讨论,开展真诚而不敷衍的交流,鼓励尖锐而不极端的批评,努力营造畅所欲言、各抒己见的民主氛围。” Platforms are very necessary, but a relaxing and harmonious environment is more necessary. In all of the meetings and activities of CPPCC, we will always adhere to the principle of “Three don’ts”: don’t use a big stick, don’t label people and don’t pick on others’ faults. We will advocate heated yet non-confrontational debates, communicate sincerely not perfunctorily, encourage penetrating but not extreme criticism, and strive to create a democratic environment in which people can air their views freely。 “不打棍子、不扣帽子、不抓辫子”的官方译法为don’t use a big stick, don’t label people and don’t pick on others’ faults。“不打棍子”的意思是不会粗暴对待持有批评意见的人,为了更加易于理解,我们也可以译为don’t use a stick on someone offering criticisms. |