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时间:2014-01-14 22:56来源:腾讯网教育 作者:编辑组 点击:
据《澳洲人报》1月12日报道,美国一八卦小报近日扔出重磅炸弹,称第一夫妇的婚姻破裂,这无疑会给第一夫人米歇尔即将到来的50大寿蒙上阴影。 美国《国民问询报》(National Enquirer


美国《国民问询报》(National Enquirer)日前刊出一篇题为《全球独家:奥巴马婚姻破裂!》的文章,无异于是晴天霹雳。不过这枚“重磅炸弹”其实并没有多少真凭实据,仅援引一位匿名的“白宫知情人士”的话说,奥巴马夫妇“已经分居,住在白宫不同的卧室”。



A LEADING American divorce mediator will visit Washington this week to offer members of Congress advice on ending the "tiresome bickering" between Republicans and Democrats.

If US tabloids are to be believed, she may need to visit the White House first.

Michelle Obama's extended absence from Washington and a flurry of renewed speculation about the state of the first couple's marriage are threatening to overshadow her 50th birthday party at the White House on Saturday.

Not for the first time in their 22-year marriage the Obamas are approaching what should be a happy family milestone under a cloud of rampant tabloid innuendo, summed up by a National Enquirer headline: "World exclusive: Obama marriage explodes!".

The Enquirer has earned a measure of respectability in Washington with its reporting of political scandals - most notably its exposure of the double life of John Edwards, a former senator and once a Democratic presidential contender.

Yet its so-called bombshell Obama report was based on nothing more substantial than the vague allegations of an unnamed "Oval Office insider" who claimed the first couple "are now sleeping in separate White House bedrooms" - tame stuff compared with the adventures of the president's French counterpart Francois Hollande.

In one sense the report was partly right: Barack Obama returned to Washington from his Christmas break in Hawaii last week while his wife remained in Maui to spend more time with friends, reportedly at a holiday home owned by the media mogul Oprah Winfrey.

Before the Enquirer could detonate another bombshell, a White House spokesman offered a different explanation for Michelle's solo break: it was a birthday present from her husband.

"If you have kids, you know that telling your spouse that they can go spend a week away from home is actually a big present," said Jay Carney, the White House press secretary.

Mr Obama acknowledged long ago that his marriage to Michelle had had ups and downs as they coped with the pressures of dual careers - she was formerly a lawyer and a hospital administrator - and the arrival of their two daughters, Sasha and Malia.

The latest tabloid report appears to have been provoked by the notorious incident at Nelson Mandela's memorial service when Mr Obama and David Cameron posed for a selfie with Helle Thorning-Schmidt, the prime minister of Denmark - or as the National Enquirer described her, "a leggy blonde foreign leader".

Despite the speculation, the Obamas have succeeded in presenting a united front and, as their daughters have grown, many of their admirers have come to regard them as an inspirational family.

双语:奥巴马夫妇被爆婚姻破裂 米歇尔蒙阴影
