活动目标: 1、学习单词apple,pear,banana,orange,sweet的发音及含义。 2、学说“Do you want to eat?”并理解他的含义。 3、引导幼儿积极参与用英语参与的品尝活动。 4、能在有提示的情况下完整、有序的吟诵儿歌。 活动准备:苹果、桔子、香蕉、梨若干,黑色袋子一个。 活动过程: 一、师幼问好 T:Good afternoon ,boys and girls. C: Good afternoon, Mi Bao. 二、复习游戏”Follow me” Tet’s play a game” Follow me”,ok? Ck!(幼儿游戏复习单词laugh,cry,fly,run) 三、出示实物,引导幼儿学习单词 pear,banana,orange的发音及含义 T:Look,what’s this?oh,it’s a bag. who want’s to find anything in the bag.XXX,come here, take one,please.(请一幼儿从袋子中摸出一样水果)Look, what’s this? C:Apple. T:Apple,apple,apple is sweet. Do you want to eat?(引导幼儿感知这句话的含义及发音) C:Yes(引导幼儿回答) 四、品尝水果 T:Oh,how many fruits! Do you want to eat? C:Ok,Let’s eat them. |