视频介绍书呆子立即换上一身礼服,到了亲戚家。见了亲戚,连作三揖,然后毕恭毕敬地坐在客堂上。亲戚以为他作客来了,立即让家人摆设酒宴欢迎。喝完了酒,书呆子这才说明来意,说罢,连连打躬作揖。亲戚听后,急得直跺脚:“你也太书生气了!家里火灾,你还在这里打躬作揖!” 亲戚扛上梯子就书呆子家里跑。但是,房屋早已烧成灰烬了。 There is a bookworm, home fire. Flames shot up to the roof, but no ladder at home, the whole family are all very worried. The Bookworm 's father to let him go to the relatives by ladder. The nerd immediately put on a dress, to stay with relatives. See relatives, continuous cropping three bow, and sat in the living room on the reverent and respectful. Relatives that he visit to, immediately let the family decoration banquet to welcome. Drinking wine, bookworm that explained what he wanted, he beg humbly, again and again. Relatives after listen to, anxious straight stomp: " you too bookishness! Home fire, you are here to beg humbly! " Relatives carry on a ladder on the nerds run home. However, the house was burned to ashes. |