视频介绍一位名字叫宁毋的先生经过,说:“你错啦!耕地应当用牛。猪再大,怎么能耕地呢?” 商於子却生气了。说:“我知道耕田地必须用牛,如同治理百姓必须用贤人一样。不用牛,猪虽然耕不好田,它的害处小;不用贤人,那么天下遭受祸害,它的害处大。您怎么不以责备我的话去责备治理百姓的人啊?” The ancient Shang Uzi, home is very poor, and no cattle farming, he took big pig farming. Mr. Nina Wu, said: “you are wrong! Cultivated land shall be used in cattle. The pig is again big, how can the land? " Shang Uzi was angry. Said: " I know I must be used as cattle farming, people must use the same governance sage. No cattle, pig farming is not good, though, its harm is small; not sages, so the world suffered scourge, its great harm. How do you not to blame me to blame the government 's people? " |