视频介绍狼的前腿。那狼中箭不死、落荒而逃,使赵简子非常恼怒。他驾起猎车穷追不舍,车马扬起的尘土遮天蔽日。 这时候,东郭先生正站在驮着一大袋书简的毛驴旁边向四处张望。原来,他前往中山国求官,走到这里迷了路。正当他面对岔路犹豫不决的时候,突然窜出了一只狼。那狼哀怜地对他说:“现在我遇难了,请赶快把我藏进你的那条口袋吧!如果我能够活命,今后一定会报答您。” 东郭先生看着赵简子的人马卷起的尘烟越来越近,惶恐地说:“我隐藏世卿追杀的狼,岂不是要触怒权贵?然而墨家兼爱的宗旨不容我见死不救,那么你就往口袋里躲吧!”说着他便拿出书简,腾空口袋,往袋中装狼。他既怕狼的脚爪踩着狼颔下的垂肉,又怕狼的身子压住了狼的尾巴,装来装去三次都没有成功。危急之下,狼蜷曲起身躯,把头低弯到尾巴上,恳求东郭先生先绑好四只脚再装。这一次很顺利。东郭先生把装狼的袋子扛到驴背上以后就退缩到路旁去了。不一会儿,赵简子来到东郭先生跟前,但是没有从他那里打听到狼的去向,因此愤怒地斩断了车辕,并威胁说:“谁敢知情不报,下场就跟这车辕一样!”东郭先生匍匐在地上说:“虽说我是个蠢人,但还认得狼。人常说岔道多了连驯服的羊也会走失。而这中山的岔道把我都搞迷了路,更何况一只不驯的狼呢?”赵简子听了这话,调转车头就走了。 当人唤马嘶的声音远去之后,狼在口袋里说:“多谢先生救了我。请放我出来,受我一拜吧!”可是狼一出袋子却改口说:“刚才亏你救我,使我大难不死。现在我饿得要死,你为什么不把身躯送给我吃,将我救到底呢?”说着它就张牙舞爪地向东郭先生扑去。东郭先生慌忙躲闪,围着毛驴兜圈子与狼周旋起来。 太阳快下山的时候,东郭先生怕天黑遇到狼群,于是对狼说:“我们还是按民间的规矩办吧!如果有三位老人说你应该吃我,我就让你吃。”狼高兴地答应了。但前面没有行人,于是狼逼他去问杏树。老杏树说:“种树人只费一颗杏核种我,20年来他一家人吃我的果实、卖我的果实,享够了财利。尽管我贡献很大,到老了,却要被他卖到木匠铺换钱。你对狼恩德不重,它为什么不能吃你呢?”狼正要扑向东郭先生,这时正好又看见了一头母牛,于是又逼东郭先生去问牛。那牛说:“当初我被老农用一把刀换回。他用我拉车帮套、犁田耕地,养活了全家人。现在我老了,他却想杀我,从我的皮肉筋骨中获利。你对狼恩德不重,它为什么不能吃你呢?”狼听了又嚣张起来。 就在这时来了一位拄着藜杖的老人。东郭先生急忙请老人主持公道。老人听了事情的经过,叹息地用藜杖敲着狼说:“你不是知道虎狼也讲父子之情吗?为什么还背叛对你有恩德的人呢?”狼狡辩地说:“他用绳子捆绑我的手脚,用诗书压住我的身躯,分明是想把我闷死在不透气的口袋里,我为什么不吃掉这种人呢?”老人说:“你们各说各有理,我难以裁决。俗话说‘眼见为实’。如果你能让东郭先生再把你往口袋里装一次,我就可以依据他谋害你的事实为你作证,这样你岂不有了吃他的充分理由?”狼高兴地听从了老人的劝说,然而却没有想到在束手就缚、落入袋中之后,等待它的是老人和东郭先生的利剑。 Mr Dongguo and the Wolf Once upon a time, there was a kind man named Mr. Dongguo. He was so kind that he would accept everyone and everything they ask him to do. On a sunny day, Mr. Dongguo went out for a walk with his donkey, which had a bag on its back. Mr. Dongguo walked and walked. Suddenly he met a wolf. “Please, sir, hide me quickly so that the hunter won’t find me.” Begged the trembling wolf, who was extremely tired and afraid. The big wolf was sobbing, and Mr. Dongguo was surprised to see a wolf sobbing. Mr. Dongguo did not know how to decide: “Well, I can keep you safe from the hunter, but… How can I believe that you won’t eat me later?” “I won’t eat you, I won’t, I promise!” Screamed the wolf. He started to cry, which made the decision more difficult to Mr. Dongguo. The wolf stared at Mr. Dongguo right in his eyes. The wolf’s big, wet eyes pulled him from “don’t hide the wolf” to “hide the wolf”. “Okay.” He accepted the wolf, just like others, but a criminal in all stories this time, as they say, "I'll hide you in my bag. However, it’s a problem whether you can get in or not.” “Oh, thank you, gentleman, thank you indeed, indeed, indeed!” And the wolf quickly got into the bag. Soon the hunter came with his dogs nearby. The dogs sniffed the bag once, and then they all went away, they didn’t think there could be a wolf inside. Mr. Dongguo sighed, and let the wolf come out. When the wolf sneaked out of the bag and saw no one, he grinned like an evil wolf grin at Mr. Dongguo. It ran after Mr. Dongguo, tried to catch him and eat him. A farmer got in the way of them. Mr. Dongguo begged the farmer to save him from the wolf. So he told the farmer the entire story. “Um…”Said the smart famer, “I don’t believe both of you. How can such a big wolf hide in a small bag?” The wolf hid inside the bag again to response the farmer. The farmer knotted the bag and killed the wolf by his powerful hand axe. And he told Mr. Dongguo not to believe the wolf or any other people (animals) like the wolf. They would only bring him danger; they are unacceptable for him, and for all. |