视频介绍在东市上买来骏马,西市上买来马鞍和鞍下的垫子,南市上买来马嚼子和缰绳,北市上买来长马鞭。早上辞别父母上路,晚上宿营在黄河边,听不见父母呼唤女儿的声音,只能听到黄河汹涌奔流的哗哗声。早上辞别黄河上路,晚上到达黑山头,听不见父母呼唤女儿的声音,只能听到燕山胡兵战马啾啾的鸣叫声。 行军万里奔赴战场作战,翻越关隘和山岭就象飞过去那样迅速。北方的寒风中传来刁斗声,清冷的月光映照着战士们的铁甲战袍。将士们经过无数次出生入死的战斗,十年之后才得胜而归。 胜利归来朝见天子,天子坐上殿堂(论功行赏)。记功授爵木兰是最高一等,得到的赏赐千百金以上。天子问木兰有什么要求,木兰不愿做尚书郎这样的官,希望骑上一匹千里马,借助它的速度送我回故乡。 父母听说女儿回来了,互相搀扶着到城外迎接她;姐姐听说妹妹回来了,对着门户梳妆打扮起来;弟弟听说姐姐回来了,忙着霍霍地磨刀杀猪宰羊。打开我闺房东面的门,坐在我闺房西面的床上,脱去我打仗时穿的战袍,穿上我以前女孩子的衣裳,当着窗子整理象乌云一样柔美的鬓发,对着镜子在额上贴好花黄。出门去见同去出征的伙伴,伙伴们都很吃惊都说我们同行十二年之久,竟然不知道木兰是女孩子。 提着兔子的耳朵悬在半空中时,雄兔的脚喜欢乱骚乱扑腾,雌兔的两眼老是眯缝着,当它们挨着一起在地上跑的时候,又怎能分辨得出谁雄谁雌呢? Chirp chirp, mulan when jehu complex knitting. No, but JiZhu smell smell female sigh. Asked what woman thinks that what, ask a female. No woman, no thoughts and memories. Last night, see army soldier, khan big book volumes have twelve roll, ye. AYe without big son, eldest brother, for without mulan, pommel horse, for ye. East, west, horse, buy, buy weaving NaShi buy, buy prehensile bullwhip bridle. Mother to quit once you, mother, don't smell democracy, but the girl called smell water splash splashing bell. Dan river sunset to quit, Montenegro, smell, but mother call girl rode JiuJiu naruto smell yanshan hu. The GuanShanDu, if RongJi to fly. New Tuo gold, cold air pass shine iron clothes. General through great skill, men died ten years. Emperor sit back and see MingTang emperor. Gentlemen, reward strategies: turns. Don't ask, mulan khan holds lang, May gallop away, send the son still hometown. Mother smelling female, the guo holds will, O come, WenMei sister when jehu GongZhuang Daniel, Younger sister to smell, like pagans sharpening. Open the door, I sat me gringotts off my bed, the cabinet war, my old robe and, when the window manage cloud of lens post floral gold. Watch out HuoBan, HuoBan all surprised: twelve, mulan is counterpart. The rabbit rabbit, female foot on new eyes blurred, Double rabbit walked alongside, Ann can I was the genderof birds? |