视频介绍钢盔的中英文例句: 1. Miners wore a helmet as a guard against falling rocks. 矿工头戴钢盔,防护落下的岩石。 2. He muttered against the men who wear helmets and carry clubs. 他咕咕哝哝地抱怨那些头戴钢盔、手执警棍的家伙。 3. His helmet kept coruscating. 他的钢盔在闪闪发光。 4. Air raid wardens in tin hats self-importantly stalked the streets. 空袭民防队员戴着钢盔神气活现地走在街上昂首阔步。 5. The resins were used to turn out millions of helmet liners. 用这类树脂生产了成百万只钢盔内衬。 |