视频介绍He walks into the room goes under one bed finds pairs of leather shoes. He puts them on one by one, but they are all too large. How disappointed he is. Then he hears some steps. It is a puppet. The puppet is wearing a nice red pair of boots. That pair of red boots must be the right size for me, he thinks. So he says "Hello, little puppet. Can you take off your boots? Let me have a try, Ok? " "No, I can't. "the puppet says "I can't stand up if I have no boots. " "Then you can sit. " The cat pushes the puppet over, robs her off her red boots and begins to run outside. The puppet is very sad and she cries. A rat hears her and asks her "What's wrong with you? " "The spotted cat has taken away my red boots. " "Little puppet, don't worry. I'll help you to get them back. " the rat says. "No, you can't. The cat will eat you. " The puppet catches the rat's tail and says. "It doesn't matter. I have my way. " Then he runs quickly out of the door. He sees the cat wearing the red boots and he is walking under a big tree. The rat climbs the big tree and begins to sing. "The bad cat, the bad cat. Rob the other's boots to put on his feet. " The cat gets so angry that he wants to catch the rat. He has to climb up the tree. But the boots are made of wood. It's hard and smooth. It stops the cat from climbing up. "The foolish cat , the foolish cat, can't climb the tree with boots. " The rat sings again. Thus the cat takes off the boots and climbs up the tree. But before he can catch him, the rat has already jumped down. He quickly picks up the boots and runs away. He runs into the room and puts on the red boots for the little puppet. "Thank you little rat. " she says. 啪嗒,啪嗒……小牛和小马走路真神气!小花猫趴在窗台上瞧着,心里想:“要是我也穿上靴子,该有多好啊!” 小花猫跳下了窗台,走进了主人的房间里,钻到一张小床底下。它找出一只只小皮鞋,往脚上套。套了这只套那只,唉!都太大了,一只也不能穿。忽然,它看见桌子上有个小木偶,它的脚上有一双漂亮的红靴子。小花猫蹦上板凳,趴到桌子边,大声地说:“喂,小木偶!把你的红靴子给我穿穿!” “不,不!”小木偶摇摇头说,“我没了靴子,怎么站立呀?” “哼,那你就躺着吧!”小花猫一把推倒了小木偶,抢了它脚上的两只红靴子,飞快地跑掉了。 “呜呜呜!还我靴子,还我靴子……呜呜呜!”小木偶趴在桌子上,又哭又喊,好伤心呵! 有只小老鼠听见了哭声,急忙跑了过来,爬到了桌子上,问:“小木偶,你怎么啦?” 小木偶告诉它:“呜呜!是小花猫把我的红靴子抢走了!呜呜呜……” “你别哭,”小老鼠说,“我去帮你把红靴子找回来。” “别去,别去!”小木偶急忙拉住小老鼠的尾巴,说,“小花猫会吃掉你的呀!” “我不怕!我有好办法。”小老鼠挺了挺胸说。 小老鼠来到了门外院子里。它悄悄地找去,找到了大树下,看见小花猫穿着两只红靴子在走来走去。它轻轻地走到了大树背后,三下两下就爬上了大树,坐到了树枝上大声唱了起来: 小花猫,坏坏坏! 抢来靴子脚上穿。 小花猫抬头一看,是一只小老鼠在唱,气得它胡子翘得老高,它要爬上树去捉小老鼠,可是红靴子是木头做的,一爬一溜,一爬一滑,怎么也爬不上。小老鼠又在大声地唱着: 小花猫,笨笨笨! 穿着靴子来爬树。 小花猫一听,想想有道理,连忙把脚上的红靴子脱了下来。它爬到了树上,找来找去,没找到小老鼠。 小老鼠啊,它早就跳下了树,抱起两只红靴子跑进了房间里。 小老鼠给小木偶穿上了红靴子,小木偶又站得笔直了。小老鼠找来了一杆玩具枪,送给了小木偶,说:“你拿着,小花猫不敢再来抢你的靴子了。” 小木偶紧紧地握住玩具枪,连声说:“谢谢你,小老鼠真好!” |