视频介绍“There is no fun in this monkey hill. I will go to some other places to have a look.Maybe I can find something strange.Then I can take something back with me.Then they will all envy me.” So he came down the hill.He walked and walked till he passed one peach forest.There were many peaches on the tree.They were all big and red.The little monkey was very happy.How big they are.They were much nicer than those in the monkey hill.I will take one home then they will envy me about that. So he picked one big red peach hold it in his hand and went on walking. He walked on until he reached a garden. He found red peppers and purple eggplants there.And there were corns at the edge of the fields. Now it's so interesting. The green coat outside and some golden tassels and seeds inside.There is nothing of this kind in the Mountain Hills. I will take one home.I'm sure they'll envy me.So he threw off the big peach and tried to pick one big corn and walked on. He walked for another long way and he passed by the watermelon fieldThe fields were all green.There were thousands of big round watermelons. They were smiling at him.Hey !what big watermelons.How lovely they are. I'll take one home.Let them see.I'm sure they'll envy me.Then he threw off the corn and picked up a big watermelon.He held it and walked on happily. Now he was so tired. He put the watermelon down and sat on it to rest.Suddenly a rabbit appeared and it ran quickly in front of him.The monkey stood up quickly and thought that's really a wonderful thing.If I take it home ,it will be the best.And he leaped and jumped after the rabbit ,the rabbit ran so fast that he couldn't catch it after a very long way.Then the rabbit completely disappeared. It was getting dark.The monkey felt a little afraid.He hurried back home. On his way, he suddenly remembered he brought nothing home. My! I have lost all of them and still I have nothing 从前一座山上住着一只聪明的猴子。他虽然聪明,但经常丢三落四,所以他什么事情都做不好。有一天他想:“这座猴子山一点也不好玩,我要去其他地方瞧瞧,或许我能发现一些新鲜的事物,然后把它带回山里,让别人羡慕一下。”这样想着,猴子下山了。 他走着走着,去到了一个桃林。他看到树上挂满桃子,又大又红,非常高兴。“它们多大啊,比猴子山里头的桃子好多了,我要带一个回家,其他猴子看到一定会妒忌我的”,他这样想着,便摘了一个红彤彤的大桃子,把它拿在手上,继续往前走。 走着走着,猴子来到了一个花园。他看到花园里种着红椒和茄子,尽头那里还种有玉米。猴子看着玉米想:“哇哈,真有趣,绿油油的外衣下裹着黄澄澄的种子,还垂着金色的穗!在猴子山里可没有这种东西,我要带一个回家,其他猴子看到一定会妒忌我的!”。于是猴子扔掉桃子,摘走一个玉米,继续往前走。 猴子走上另一条长长的路,走到一片西瓜地里。西瓜地一片绿油油,里面有数千个又大又圆的西瓜,仿佛在对着猴子微笑。“它们多可爱呀,我要带一个回家让其他人看看,它们一定会妒忌我的!”于是猴子扔掉玉米,摘走一个西瓜。它把西瓜抱在怀里,高兴地往前走。 猴子走累了,它把西瓜放在地上,自己坐在西瓜上面休息一下。忽然,一只兔子窜了出来,跑在猴子的前面。猴子马上站起来,心里想:“这只动物真有趣,如果我能把它带回家就最好了。”可是兔子已经消失得无影无踪了。 天黑下来了,猴子感到有点害怕。它慌忙地赶回家,在路上,它想起自己两手空空,什么都没带回家。“哎呀,我把它们全扔了,什么都没剩下”,猴子感叹道。 |