视频介绍Suddenly, a rat came up to them, And the chicks were frightened to see him, and began to run away. Now the rat caught up with the yellow chicken. At that very moment, the leaping chick rushed up between them and shouted loudly," stop!" The rat saw him and jumped to the fence at once. The rat bit Beng Beng,"Gr…L." the rat hurt himself badly. two of his teeth had been broken. He began to bleed too. The rat was in suc pain and he quickly ran back to his hole. Now, all the chicks came to the leaping chick, they stood around him and said," you're really brave!" Someone said," Thank you very much!" Someone else said,"oh, you have magic power, You're great!" Ever since then, Beng Beng became their good friend. They played happily together every day. 这一天,天气可好了。在一块绿油油的草地上,有一群小鸡在做游戏。蹦蹦鸡看见了,也跟着一起玩。 玩着玩着,一只小黄鸡走到蹦蹦鸡跟前,很不礼貌的说:“ 嗯,蹦蹦鸡,你会像我这样走路吗?” 蹦蹦鸡看着小黄鸡, 摇摇头说不会。 小花鸡嘴里衔着一条小虫子也凑过来,她把小虫子往地上一放,很神气地说:“ 蹦蹦鸡,你会吃虫子吗?” 蹦蹦鸡看着地上的小虫子,摇摇头说不会。 一只小黑鸡一边扇动翅膀一边跑过来,“ 蹦蹦鸡,你会扇动翅膀吗?” 蹦蹦鸡瞪大眼睛看着小黑鸡 还是摇摇头说不会。 这时候,突然一只小老鼠从草丛里蹿了出来,吓得小鸡们四处乱逃。眼看小黄鸡就要被小老鼠追上了, 蹦蹦鸡蹦到了小老鼠跟前,挡住了小老鼠,还大喊一声:“ 站住!” 小老鼠一看,立刻向蹦蹦鸡扑过去,还嗷地一口咬蹦蹦鸡。只听着哎哟一声,哈哈!小老鼠的两颗牙齿被咬断了,还直流血。疼得小老鼠慌慌张张地逃进洞里去了。 这个时候,小鸡们都围过来了。有的说:“ 蹦蹦鸡,你真勇敢!” 有的说:“ 谢谢你,会魔法的蹦蹦鸡!” 打这以后啊,蹦蹦鸡和小鸡们成了好朋友,每天都在一起玩耍。 |